We Achieve DIN EN ISO 9001:2000
CEE DEE Vacuum's achievements is in design and manufacture of Transformer Oil Regeneration Plant which is a new dawning Technology used to desludge Transformer and Regenerative oil to IS-335 standards with change in colour and specifications equal to all parameters of
NEW-OIL, thus saves oil which is a great achievement particularly for CEE DEE VACUUM and in general for national economy.
The benefit of this system compared to normal fuller's earth is that the refining medium can be re-activated (renewed) 250-300 times before a recharge is required thus giving maximum output on minimum input.
On its operation, plant is every inch environmental friendly and in no way harms the environment.
A comprehensive visual audible working alarm system is filled in the plant, which is automatically maintained, and controlled by PLC and on its operation gets connected with a computer which reveals/depicts all the necessary information with regard to its operation, efficiency, flowrate, temperature Moisture in oil etc.
The principle of the plant is to desludge the accumulated acids, moisture and gases by processing on-line which works on high vacuum and low temperature.
Write up
CEE DEE VACUUM is the only company in Asia who have innovated a new technology for faster and economical cleaning of Transformer On Line and On Site. For purification and desludging, which would help the Power Generation And Power Transmission sector to saves crores of rupees.
Being the only company, MAHATRASCO thought and going through all the Pros and Cons placed an order under the signatures of SE, MAHATRANSCO with M/s CEE DEE VACUUM.
For On line decarbonising, Desludging, Purification and regeneration of 50 MVA, 220/22 KV CGL make Transformer Oil at 220 KV Kalwa sub station which CEE DEE VACUUM authorities accepted the offer gladly. MAHATRANSCO was the first Transmission sector that has gone for On line Drying and desludging, oil regeneration of Transformer.
CEE DEE VACUUM undertook the assignment on 2nd May 2008 at Kalwa sub-station accordingly and installed the Transformer at the venue of 50 MVA capacity. Since then they have been continuously on the work and the results of this process have been quiet excellent with IR values quiet commendable.
For your-good-self kind information the undersigned is appending here the details of Transformer, which was installed at the site.
Make : CGL
Year of manufacture : 1985.
Year of commissioning : 1987.
Make sr. no. : 24596.
Total quantity of oil : 26030 Liters.
Over hauling of the Transformer: January 2002.
Average peak hours : 1150 amp
(Loading 18.30 to 21.30)
In addition the IR values of the Transformer before on line Filtration
Description IR value Before Regeneration IR Value After Regeneration
HV to E 50 mΩ 800 mΩ
LV to E 60 mΩ 800 mΩ
HV to LV 70 mΩ at 560C 1000 mΩ
Above all the undersigned feel pleasure while giving the test results of Qtr-1 – Qtr – 4 along with standard values, which is enclosed for your kind information.
The work has been completed smoothly and CEE DEE VACUUM was engaged in the said assignment. They had worked to their full potential. Their discovery of the technology have been complete a success and their exhibits of the technology have proved very beneficial for the Transmission and Generation sector. Their technology is by allowing desludging, drying and oil generation while On-site and On-Line has proved beyond expectations of the MAHATRANSCO.
The undersigned is of the opinion that this project undertaken by CEE DEE VACUUM will be a complete success, the way work is going on and the undersigned extend and felicitations to Mr. Nitin Dhamale, Director of CEE DEE VACUUM for his success in the innovations.
By adopting the new technology of On Line, we have saved the revenue in forms of units as follows:
1) Per Month 1,90,000.00 MWH
2) Per day 6, 53,760 KWH
3) Per hour 27,240 KWH
The cost per unit is Rs. 2.20/-, which result in Rs. 1,43,82,720.00 (Rs. One Crore Fourty Three Lacs Eighty Two Thousand Seven Hundred Twenty Only) for 10 days shut down.
I feel this is the greatest achievement of MAHATRANSCO which has been got conducted by CEE DEE VACUUM.
Note: Find enclosed Graphical Presentation of Behavior of Oil Parameters.